Latest Community Columns


Accepting the things we cannot change

By Chris Adams Bob Dylan may not have been a prophet in the Biblical sense, but some of ...


Write Again . . . A real national treasure

David McCullough’s wonderful book, “Brave Companions – Portraits in History “, was published in 1992. Let me tell ...


The Nova Scotia stories: part 1

In 2007, I fulfilled a long-time desire to visit Halifax and St. John (Bay of Funday) Nova Scotia, ...


My dad watched my head coaching debut

Now that high school season is underway, I will tell you about my first season as a high ...


Write Again . . . To think or not to think

Something there is, it seems to me, that we of the homo sapiens species – well, at the ...


Pets are a sign of God’s grace

By Chris Adams I haven’t always been a true animal lover. Although I grew up with dogs and ...


I met my neighbor at RMA

As most of you know, after high school I transitioned to Randolph Macon Academy in Front Royal, Va. ...


Wait…Roundup is no longer Roundup?

Perhaps you missed it. Back in July, the commercials that plagued our evening television commercial space stopped. There ...


Responsibilities versus titles

Soon after I started pastoring New Growth Unlimited Ministries, Inc. we put on an event entitled “Honoring the ...


Write Again . . . Such is the power of words

Today’s column, the first part, is about a song. So. Let me share this, and at the end, ...

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