Latest My Turn

My Turn

Career opportunities, then and now

When I graduated from high school, I had no idea of what I was going to do. I had ...


Credit card interest, automotive and mortgage financing

Over the last couple of years, most people have been concerned about inflation. What we tend to forget ...

My Turn

A look at the roots of the rebellion

Contrary to what some conservative Christian Nationalists would have us believe, the Founding Fathers were not motivated by ...

My Turn

COVID-19, the virus that shut down Beaufort County

After about 5 years, it is a good time to reflect on COVID-19 and the damage it has ...

My Turn

Things have changed in my almost-80 years

I’ll be 80 years old in January. I’ve lived a long time. There are obituaries for many who lived until ...

My Turn

The 2024-25 Beaufort County budget and the stock market

The County Manager’s Recommended Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget was released May 13 to the Board of Commissioners. I promptly ...

My Turn

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office app and accomplishments

At the recommendation of Sheriff Hammonds, I recently downloaded the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office app. It’s the first ...


First quarter review, insights into county’s business landscape

As expected, the economy in Beaufort County experienced a slowdown in the first quarter of 2024 due in ...

My Turn

New Boviet Solar Panels manufacturing plant in Greenville

Almost 25 years ago, I decided to get involved in politics. I was specifically concerned with the loss ...

My Turn

Students cannot bring firearms into schools!

When I grew up, a long time ago, there was no safer place than the local elementary school. The ...

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