
Nothing separates us from God’s love

I was fifteen years old when I preached my first sermon. The notes or the script are no ...


Avoid the direct July sun with your Christmas Cactus

I was working outside this past weekend, cleaning up the yard and had been helping my son with ...


Write Again . . . Those cherished memories

Memories. We all have them, don’t we? Some we thought we’d forgotten. Some we regret. Some we will ...


A repairer of the breach

I again want to thank the many readers for their kind words and encouragement as they read and ...


The south side is growing

While sitting on our pier the night of July 4th and enjoying the fireworks, Tracey and I noted ...


Use your freedom to help others

BY Chris Adams Independence Day isn’t just a day for fireworks, hot dogs, and an overreliance on booze ...


How to douse your fire ants

I was working in the yard this past weekend, finally getting to a few clean-up projects I had ...


Write Again . . . The Masters of zingers

If you have a couple of minutes, see what you think of some clever wit. George B. Shaw ...

Letters to the Editor

It’s more than beer, picnics and baseball games

To the Editor: Daily News readers might find what the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ...


Credit card interest, automotive and mortgage financing

Over the last couple of years, most people have been concerned about inflation. What we tend to forget ...

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