Appreciation from Ridgewood Manor
Published 12:48 am Wednesday, August 31, 2011
To the Editor:
This is to refer back to Bartow Houston’s Washington Daily News article on Aug. 12. One of our Sunday school lessons in June 2011 was “Do you flash back or flash ahead?” I have a flashback every second Tuesday of the month when the First United Methodist Church is at Ridgewood Manor with their service and communion and I see Mrs. Ramona Cayton. Mrs. Ramona is a beautiful lady. I look at Sarah Cutler and think of all those school milk and ice cream bibs. They have a great communion service group. I see Coach Choppy Wagner standing in front of the football team. Choppy was a great man in his profession. I can see Choppy and Bill Sweel, the basketball coach in the 1940s and ’50s at Washington High School.
The Monday before is another great group from Beebe Memorial Church. I see Mrs. Kenlaw and group as another of the Christian-hearted people that don’t forget us when we get old. We have many church groups that do a great service for Ridgewood Manor and we appreciate everything they do.
Ridgewood Manor, Washington