Salt in the wound

Published 7:58 pm Friday, June 1, 2012

To the Editor:

To whom it may concern, my grandmother, Ms. Edna Lodge, died on May 4, 2012, and was laid to rest on May 10, 2012. I would like to thank everyone who called, stopped by or just asked how everyone in the family was doing. I know my family has sent out thank you cards to people, but this is from Ty.

My grandmother touched a lot of people whether it was at Eastern Elementary, Eagle’s Wings, church or just shopping in Piggly Wiggly on River Road. She was a good lady who didn’t play games and didn’t mind letting you know when you were messing up.

Having said that, this letter is to the sorry, lowdown person who took it upon themselves to break into my grandparents home while my 85-year-old grandfather was visiting family to avoid sitting in the house alone and thinking of the lady whom he shared his life, heart and home with for 64 years. You are a very sad person; funny thing is it had to be someone who knew my grandmother and knows my grandfather. So you stole my grandmother’s jewelry and two weapons (hand guns) from my grandfather … great job. It’s not the monetary value that is the issue here. It’s the fact that you took something that was not yours, that you took your hindparts in a home without an invite and that I’m sure that either one of my grandparents have done something to help you in the past.

So look good at what you have and everyone else think if you have been sold something in the last three weeks. Again, my grandmother didn’t hold any punches with anyone, so Mr. Thief, it is something Ms. Edna would have given you for stealing, but since she is not here, I will stand in her place and ensure that you get exactly what she would have given you.
