City to unveil new logo
Published 10:50 pm Thursday, August 9, 2012
Washington’s City Council is expected to approve a new logo for the city at its meeting Monday, according to the council’s agenda for that meeting.
After that logo is approved, new logos for the Washington Tourism Development Authority, Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce and the Washington Harbor District Alliance are expected to be approved by those agencies. The city and the three groups formed a partnership to pursue a branding initiative for the city. They contracted with Eye Integrated to develop the branding program for the city.
“Be sure to stress these are logos, not a brand,” said Lynn Lewis, the city’s tourism-development director.
The logos are just one component of an overall branding strategy, she noted.
In a memorandum City Manager Josh Kay sent to the mayor and council, Kay wrote, “One of the deliverables of this process is the development of a logo for each partner that allows for an identity that provides cohesion among the four partners.”
In July 2011, the council endorsed the branding project, which will promote Washington and surrounding environs. Before then, the project partners had been working for approximately a year to develop a comprehensive brand. Each partner invested $2,000 in the project.
The development of a community brand will allow the city and other partner organizations to have one common theme in its efforts to promote the city to businesses, residents and visitors, according to the partners.
In other business, the council is expected to amend the budget to appropriate funds to help pay $189,177 in expenses related to the July “gustnado” that caused major damage to city property, particularly at Warren Field Airport and some parks and recreation facilities. Those expenses do not include major repairs and construction related to the terminal building and hangars at the airport, according to a document in the council’s agenda for its Monday meeting.
The city received a $50,000 insurance advance to allow it to offset expenses associated with initial work being completed at the airport.