Church to honor nation with patriotic program
Published 4:27 pm Friday, July 4, 2014

MY COUNTRY ‘TIS OF THEE: Chocowinity United Methodist Church will hold a patriotic musical July 12 and July 13, depicting the past, present and future of America. Participants and the church’s Special Events Choir will depict heritage characters, the Statue of Liberty and other figures who signify our great nation.
CHOCOWINITY — A local church will honor our great nation’s past, present and future next weekend with songs and visuals during a patriotic program called Celebrating the United States.
Chocowinity United Methodist Church will present the program on July 12 at 7 p.m. and July 13 at 3 p.m., said Cindy Sutorius, a member of the church. June Arnold, the church’s choir director, started the program 16 years ago and leads the church, along with the church’s Special Events Choir, through a series of songs. During the musical presentation, Arnold uses visual aids through projection screens to honor the nation as well, Sutorius said.
“You’re not only getting the joy of hearing the songs, but you’re seeing it with your eyes too,” Sutorius said. “She has great visual components for the program.”
Several songs during the presentation will honor United States’ Armed Forces. A song called “Salute to the Armed Forces” will acknowledge each branch of the military during certain parts of the song and there will also be flags for each branch of the military on display, Sutorius said. Everybody who has served in the military will be asked to stand during the song and be recognized for their devout service to the nation.
In addition to honoring the military, there will be a song called “Here’s to the Heroes” which states “those few who dare, heading for glory, living a prayer” will represent those who have gone off to war and fought for our freedom.
“Some have come back and some didn’t,” Sutorius said. “We have to realize they gave their lives for our freedom. It’s such a gorgeous song and it’s very moving.”
Other parts of the hour-long program will feature songs honoring each state in the nation as well as the Biblical principles our nation was based on.
“It basically goes through the scripture of the Bible and represents what our country is based on like freedom and God,” Sutorius said. “It depicts scripture through the profits like Elijah, Ezekiel and Daniel. June felt like it was a good song to bring in for the past for our scriptural heritage.”
The future of our nation will be represented by the song, “We Wont’ Give Up,” Sutorius said. It shows we have hope, that we will live on, nothing will tear us down and we will not give up because hope lives on.
Songs like “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” “This Land is Your Land,” and “God Bless America” will be sung and several quartets and duos will perform, Sutorius said. The audience and even the pastor of the church, George Jones will participate throughout the program. Sutorius said there will be a kind of fireworks display for the grand finale while a song “The Stars and Stripes Forever” is played.
“June just loves her country and thinks this is the way it should be,” Sutorius said. We want to support and focus on our country’s heritage and dedication to democracy. This is just our way of saying God Bless America. It’s a show I don’t think people want to miss.”