Council to mull demolition
Published 9:08 pm Friday, October 24, 2014

CONDEMNED? Washington’s City Council, during its meeting Monday, is slated to consider condemning this building and awarding a contract to demolish it.
During its meeting Monday, Washington’s City Council is scheduled to consider condemning a house at 223 E. Third St. and awarding a contract to demolish it.
Allen Pittman, a senior building official with the city, determined the building is unfit for human habitation and its liability to fire. Pittman found the dwelling has bad walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, unsafe wiring and inadequate means of egress.
Pittman’s findings were sent to James Baker, trustee for Jamie Baker. The notice also included information about a hearing on the matter set for July 22. After the hearing was conducted, an order to demolish the building was issued that same day.
The property was condemned under the city’s demolition-by-neglect ordinance.
If the city hires an entity to demolish the dwelling, the cost of that demolition “shall constitute a lien against the subject property and shall also constitute a lien on any other real property of the owner of the subject property located within the City limits or within one mile thereof except the owner’s primary residence.” That means the lien against the property must be satisfied before the property can be sold or transferred to a new owner.
The city initiated similar proceedings against the structure at 312 Water St., but that demolition order was rescinded to give people a chance to obtain the house and save it.
The demolition-by-neglect ordinance is used by the city to keep historically and/or architecturally significant properties from deteriorating to the point they cannot be saved by rehabilitation measures.
Dudley Landscaping and Tree Service submitted the low bid of $3,800 to demolish the building. Other bids came in at $4,500 (Tyco Land Developing) and $5,500 (St. Clair Trucking).
The council meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, 102 E. Second St. To view the council’s agenda for a specific meeting, visit the city’s website at, click “Government” then “City Council” heading, then click “Meeting Agendas” on the menu to the right. Then click on the date for the appropriate agenda.
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