Make a “no shave” statement
Published 7:09 pm Saturday, October 31, 2015
Every year, 345 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Beaufort County citizens. That’s nearly one person a day. And for every year, 130 lose their battle to cancer. More likely, every one of us has either fought the disease or has a friend or family member who has fought this battle. Cancer research and medical breakthroughs have done a great deal to help with the fight, but we still have a long way to go.
This November, I, as the Beaufort County Health Director, am asking the county men to show their support in the fight against cancer. October is the month that we wear pink to show our support with regards to breast cancer, but now I am asking that we use November to further our effort against all forms of cancer. I am asking that all the men in Beaufort County not shave their facial hair (assuming cooperation with significant others and institutional policies). What I hope is that people will ask you why you are growing the facial hair, and you will take the opportunity to talk to them about cancer. Tell them about how it has impacted you, or about how many cases we have each year, or ask them to contribute to cancer fighting organizations. Also, share a picture of your “No Shaving” efforts with us on Facebook at !
One other consideration I am asking. I estimate that it cost us $.50-1.00 a day to shave and groom. At the end of the month or at the beginning of December, donate the savings from not shaving to the Marion Shepard Cancer Center, or you can bring the money to the Beaufort County Health Department where it will be collected and turned over for the Relay for Life effort.
James Madson is the health director of the Beaufort County Health Department.