City Council officially awards Terrell Awards
Published 5:02 pm Wednesday, November 11, 2015

EFFORTS REWARDED: Washington Mayor Mac Hodges (center) poses with (from left) Chuck and Jenna Davis, Mary Anne Nunnally Foy and Dee Congleton during the City Council’s meeting Monday. The Davises and Foy were presented their Rena K. Terrell Awards, recognizing their preservation efforts in Washington’s historic district. The Davises received their award (residential) for their work to preserve their house on East Main Street. Foy received her award (commercial) for restoration work on the Coffee Caboose. Congleton received the Good Neighbor award for Don Stroud, honored for his work with the Washington Area Historic Foundation and the Washington Planning Board.
About Mike Voss

Mike Voss is the contributing editor at the Washington Daily News. He has a daughter and four grandchildren. Except for nearly six years he worked at the Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg, Va., in the early to mid-1990s, he has been at the Daily News since April 1986.
Journalism awards:
• Pulitzer Prize for Meritorious Public Service, 1990.
• Society of Professional Journalists: Sigma Delta Chi Award, Bronze Medallion.
• Associated Press Managing Editors’ Public Service Award.
• Investigative Reporters & Editors’ Award.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Public Service Award, 1989.
• North Carolina Press Association, Second Place, Investigative Reporting, 1990.
All those were for the articles he and Betty Gray wrote about the city’s contaminated water system in 1989-1990.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Investigative Reporting, 1991.
• North Carolina Press Association, Third Place, General News Reporting, 2005.
• North Carolina Press Association, Second Place, Lighter Columns, 2006.
Recently learned he will receive another award.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Lighter Columns, 2010.
4. Lectured at or served on seminar panels at journalism schools at UNC-Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, Columbia University, Mary Washington University and Francis Marion University.
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