Washington pool brings health benefits

Published 5:51 pm Monday, May 23, 2016

To the Editor:

As a new member of Moore Pool (the Washington community pool), I urge all who are able to come and support the pool. It is a jewel of Beaufort County and used by residents countywide. If you haven’t tried the deep-water aerobics, you are missing the greatest non-impact exercise of all time. Just hanging in the water, letting your spine and muscles slowly lengthen is incredibly relaxing. Nowhere on earth can you experience weightlessness for such a length of time, not to mention the gymnastic type moves you see at the Olympics. Lest you think this exercise is for the young and spry, l am almost 70 years old, overweight with bad knees, but no longer a bad back. Deep-water aerobics is the highlight of my week. And you don’t have to know how to swim!

Sue Pass