Historic Bath offers variety of children’s activities
Published 3:33 am Saturday, July 16, 2016
- DAY CAMP: Historic Interpreter Chuck Guard and volunteer Therese Guard lead a session of Bath's Past Times Day Camp.
BATH — Historic Bath State Site is making learning history fun through a variety of special activities this summer.
One such event is the “It’s Revolutionary” Past Times Day Camps offered weekly for youngsters prekindergarten age through sixth grade.
“Our goal with the summer Past Times Day Camps has always been to bring history to our local youth in a way that appeals to them, with activities, crafts, imaginative play and demonstrations,” said site director Leigh Swain. “With State Historic Sites recognizing ‘It’s Revolutionary’ as a wide-reaching theme, this topic was an easy one to choose and develop.”
The camps began earlier this month and continue until late July, according to assistant site director Elizabeth Midyette. Remaining dates are July 21 (for children of prekindergarten age through third grade) and July 28 (for students in fourth through sixth grades).
Each day’s camp runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $10 per child and all activities, snacks and lunches are included.
Historic Bath’s Van Der Veer House is the setting for another weekly program, this one a free event organized by the Girl Scouts. But boys are just as welcome. Held Thursdays throughout July from 9 to 10 a.m., the program focuses on letterboxing andgeocaching.
That program goes hand-in-hand with Historic Bath’s “A Walk Through Time” geocache activity, according to Midyette. The entire family should enjoy the activity, a high tech scavenger hunt that guides participants on a unique tour of Bath as they search for clues, all the while learning more about local history.
Likewise, a peaceful stroll through Bath is another free, family-friendly activity that makes learning fun. A walking tour map can be obtained at the visitor center and guides participants on a stroll through time as they view such landmarks as the Palmer-Marsh House, Bath Commemorative Marker, Glebe House, St. Thomas Episcopal Church and the Joseph Bonner House.
For more information about summer activities in Historic Bath, including day camps and “A Walk Through Time” geocache project, call 252-923-3971 or visit www.nchistoricsites.org/bath.