Assistance is urgently needed

Published 8:48 pm Friday, August 19, 2016

To the Editor,

The Board of Trustees for the George H. and Laura E. Brown Library is looking for community spirited individuals who believe in the power of a community library to enhance the quality of life for all citizens in our community. They must be able to contribute a couple of hours about four times a year.

The role involves the following: acting in an advisory role for the George H. and Laura E. Brown Library, working with Ms. Sandra Silvey and the dedicated and wonderful staff of our library. Mrs. Silvey brings passion and intellect to her position. Washington is fortunate.

The library possesses thousands of documents containing local history. The library is slowly, only because of funding available for a part-time position, preserving and cataloging letters, ledgers, journals and scrapbooks that are some of the very few remnants of the fabric of Washington’s past. These items are of immense historical value to our community.

Library policies need to be reviewed and updated. Programs need to be updated on a recurring basis as technology and our citizens change. A high school freshman can go to the library and take a free course online from Coursera, EdX  or Udacity from a prestigious university, and get a head start to an unlimited future. We have new laptops that will verify that it is you taking the test.

The possibility exists for expansion of the library, particularly for the children of our community. We know that early literacy, or the lack of such literacy, determines the future pathways for our young. We ought to do all we can to tilt the scales in favor of a successful future for our kids.

We need your help. If you are willing to serve as a member of the Brown Library Board of Trustees, please contact Washington City Council for an application. Your assistance is urgently needed.


Joe Phipps

Board of Trustees, George H. & Laura E. Brown Library.
