WYCC hoping to garner interest in women’s golf league
Published 4:00 pm Wednesday, March 14, 2018
- Peg Bodie shows off her form during a Daily News photo shoot in 2014.
Washington Yacht & Country Club is making efforts to get more female golfers acquainted with the game. Director of instruction Peg Bodie is currently gauging interest to see how many local ladies would be interested in an opportunity to learn on the fly and make some friends along the way.
“I want to see what’s in the area as far as who is golfing,” Bodie said. She previously worked at Cypress Landing in Chocowinity. “It’s one of those sports that’s kind of unique. I’d like to bring more of it to the female population.”
The plan is to begin the league later this month. It would be once a week, after work and non-competitive. She said they’re looking at holding it on Mondays.
The league is focused on beginning and intermediate golfers. No experience is necessary, and Bodie and WYCC will help those interested get their hands on the appropriate equipment.
“I know there are gals that … if there was couples golf, they may play, but to play on their own is just, for whatever reason, something they don’t do,” she said. “I’m trying to suck those people back out and get them playing. It’s not only a good sport. It’s good exercise.”
Among the enticing aspects is the opportunity to meet new people. There’s a sense of companionship developed when beginners grow together.
“When these gals get together … they have a blast because they’re all in the same boat. They’re all in the, ‘Oh God, I’m terrible’ boat,” Bodie chuckled. “They really do learn a lot bonding together. … When they hit a few good shots, they’ll get into it and have a good time.”
Bodie’s vision is to churn up enough interest where this league will take off into something that can be carried over year-to-year. It’s worked with the junior league. That started with half a dozen kids and now has over 20.
For those that may have some reservations, Bodie says to give it a shot. There’s nothing to lose and plenty to gain.
Women interested can call Peg Bodie at 252-946-3245. Leave a message with a name and a phone number or email. All it costs is time and energy.