Ocracoke being evacuated by air

Published 4:15 pm Friday, September 6, 2019

Due to the conditions on Ocracoke Island, we are dispatching air transportation units to help evacuate residents that need to leave. We have a shelter set up in Washington County that has food, medical supplies, and power. Air units will take residents to Dare County and then be transported by vehicle to the shelter location. If you are planning to leave, please contact the Hyde County EOC at 252-926-3715, so we have an accurate headcount and can direct you to the pickup location. Priority will be given to the elderly, anyone with medical needs or other special circumstances.
We are hoping to have the ferry routes evaluated tomorrow. As soon as we are able to, we will continue the evacuation via ferries. We will also send commodities and additional personnel as soon as possible.
Please be patient as we attempt to coordinate the evacuation and recovery efforts. If you have any unmet needs or concerns, please contact the EOC at 252-926-3715. If you have an emergency call 911. Continue monitoring our social media outlets and website www.hydecountync.gov for updates.