Turtle Team takes on river clean-up
Published 12:22 pm Sunday, September 29, 2019
- ON THE JOB: Evan Sapanoro, Isabella Daniel, Abby Yoon and Caleb Bronsink take to the Pamlico River in kayaks to collect trash on Sept. 21. The event was part of International Coastal Cleanup Day. (Dan Sokolovic)
From Love a Sea Turtle
Volunteers with Love A Sea Turtle, an environmental nonprofit created by area youth, participated in the International Coastal Cleanup Day with a river cleanup from Tranter’s Creek to Havens Garden Park in Washington, on Sept. 21.
With logistic support from Guy Blackwell, supplies from West Marine, kayaks from Sound Rivers and LAST, and boat support from Joe Bronsink and Andy Anderson, the Turtle Team was able to remove and clear 300-plus pounds of marine debris along the way. Styrofoam, large trash cans and containers, bottles, cans and plastic items were collected. An additional several hundred pounds of larger debris items were tagged for a later pick-up. No plastic trash bags were used for the cleanup. Ocean Conservancy provided the Turtle Team with large reusable mesh bags for the event.
The International Coastal Cleanup began over 30 years ago as a way to engage volunteers from US states and territories and more than 100 countries in a cleanup event near them. With a shared common goal of cleaning our coastal waters, taking care of our beaches and protecting and preserving our natural resources, volunteers are part of a global movement that inspires action in support of our ocean.
Love A Sea Turtle student leaders, who are also part of the Plastic Free NC initiative, Jae Yoon and Abby Yoon (not related), had the opportunity to speak with staff at Backwater Jack’s Tiki Bar and Grill after the cleanup event. They provided a Plastic Free NC sticker to showcase the restaurant’s efforts to combat single-use plastics through their recent change in using compostable cups and paper straws.
For more information on Plastic Free NC and how your business can participate, contact loveaseaturtle@suddenlink.net.

PLASTIC FREE: Jae Yoon presents Backwater Jack’s Tiki Bar and Grill owner Laura Scoble, with a Plastic Free NC sticker, in recognition of the restaurant’s efforts to cut down on single-use plastics. (Dan Sokolovic)

RE-USE: Angela Hernandez holds up one of the large, reusable mesh bags donated for the cleanup by Ocean Conservancy. (Dan Sokolovic)

INTO THE WOODS: Maddie DeChabert-Rios collects trash along the banks of the Pamlico. (Dan Sokolovic)

IN GOOD COMPANY: A Plastic Free NC sticker takes a place of honor on Backwater Jack’s front door. (Dan Sokolovic)