
Open for business, but not business as usual

By Sarah Bernart, Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina Although many North Carolina employers are back in business ...

My Turn

Drivers and pedestrians beware this Halloween

Driving impaired kills. Last year, North Carolina lost 35 people during the week of Halloween, and nine of ...

My Turn

The missing piece

A good friend died of COVID last week. Beverly. She tested positive on Monday and died in her ...

My Turn

Reasons for optimism this flu season: vaccine, testing, masks

Fall is known for cooler weather, the holiday spirit and the beginning of respiratory virus season, and this ...

My Turn

Make logging great again

As I walked through a wooded area the other day, I saw some beautiful, big old trees. I ...

My Turn

Collaboration yields robust testing capacity in eastern North Carolina

When I first wrote about COVID-19 and its impending impact on our region on March, I shared it ...

My Turn

Congress needs to act now and extend unemployment benefits

By NORTH CAROLINA GOV. ROY COOPER Next week, thousands of North Carolinians who are out of work due ...

My Turn

How “Black Lives Matter” should really be interpreted

BOB ORR Once again, a prominent leader in North Carolina is coming under intense criticism for responding to ...

My Turn

A legacy lives on: remembering Mike Voss

Sporting my purple button down shirt, tasteless “dad tie” and slacks I likely hadn’t worn since high school ...

Beaufort County

The community he loved

In a lot of ways, Mike Voss embodied exactly what a newspaper like The Washington Daily News wants ...

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