
Kugler-Nicholson Sporting Goods Store had everything

When I was growing up, my favorite store downtown was Kugler- Nicholson. You could put on a baseball ...


Choose to love someone today

This is the second week of my recovery from spinal fusion, and it’s been a struggle. This surgery ...


Etiquette for any occasion

Good morning. Well, Good whatever time of day you receive or purchase your paper or are reading this ...


Spring is coming, just not yet

I had an interesting call earlier this week, one that made me stop and think. At NC State ...

My Turn

Housing needs for teachers, retirees and job applicants

As Carol and I have gotten older, we have looked at the possibility of downsizing and moving into ...


The Boys & Girls Club was almost a hospital

On September 20, 1958, Beaufort County native Dr. John Cordice (1919-2013) operated on Martin Luther King, Jr. in ...


Memories of Fred “the Head”

When I was growing up playing ball, we always called the coach by his last name and called ...


Feed A Relationship

By Rev. Stewart Ham As we read in the Book of Genesis concerning man and woman creation, God ...


“The greatest catastrophe”

Hello, folks. It’s me again. Now, I acknowledge, admit -that for some at least -I write too often ...

My Turn

Beaufort County is actually getting a brand-new school

The new combined school to replace Eastern Elementary and J.C. Tayloe will be an enormous benefit to the ...

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