Pearl Harbor

Published 7:06 pm Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To the Editor:

I really didn’t need another reason to be proud of my hometown, however, the Dec. 7, 2013, edition of the Washington Daily News gave me one more. On the 72nd anniversary of the “date the will live in infamy,” a search of news outlets nationwide yielded very little about the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Such a critical event in American history, and a turning point in the second war, is in danger of being forgotten altogether as the number of surviving veterans dwindles.

The Daily News paid tribute to these true American heroes wile also holding the promise of covering local news by publishing a recount of Dec. 7, 1941, as told by Bath resident Mr. Frank Clark Jr. I’ve known Mr. Clark for a couple of years, but did not realize his ship was in Pearl Harbor that day. The article itself was an interesting read, but the spirit behind publishing it in remembrance and in such a prominent position was most impressive.

While my social media was abuzz with comments regarding the lack of news coverage of that tragic day, I was very proud to share the online link to my Daily News with friends around the country. Thank you for working to preserve American history, honoring our veterans and keeping true to your promise of being our local paper.

Jim Phillips
