Sound Off, Dec. 20, 2012
Published 11:16 pm Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I love our newspaper and I get annoyed when people complain about it, but when I have to get out my magnifying glass to read it—I hate that. And I’m not an old person. Please, make the print a little bigger.
Please put the cryptoquote back in the newspaper. Many elderly people wake up each morning and do that puzzle. Thank you.
I just finished reading Sound Off and I totally disagree with many callers—the paper looks so much better than it did. You got pure white paper now and the print is very clear.
I am missing the little quote of the day or advice for the day. It was just tiny, little thing that was in the paper with the cartoons and the puzzles — just a wonderful, little uplifting message. I can’t find it. Please, in this new configuration, don’t leave that out.
I’m very concerned about the size of the print in your paper. This puts an extra strain on people who have vision difficulties, especially our elderly. It’s very difficult to read the tiny print.
Thank you for the wonderful change in the newspaper I think it looks great. You ought to be proud of it. I like it very much.
Nice to see the bridge game back.