Outreach program ‘beyond measure’
Published 7:15 pm Saturday, January 26, 2013
Health. Self-esteem. Options. Those are the cornerstones of Beyond Measure Community Outreach. This week the public can learn more about how this nonprofit is geared towards the community’s children and getting those kids moving in the right direction, according to Stephanie Rouse, marketing and relations director for the organization.
Tuesday, Rouse and other Beyond Measure officials will be holding an information session at the Washington Civic Center to invite other like-minded agencies on board. The invitation has gone out to law enforcement and school officials to learn more about the Beyond Measure’s programs: Through Our Eyes, a program designed to heal the damages of domestic violence; F.O.O.D. (Fighting Overweight and Obesity Disorders), an opportunity to learn how to eat healthily, with the advice of dietician; and Perfectly Created, which includes college prep courses and teen pregnancy prevention.
“It’s about rebuilding the community’s mind, body and spirit … about getting the middle schoolers prepared their teenage years and the teenagers prepared for their adult years,” Rouse said. “To show them there’s more than sitting around in the house. There’s more than playing video games. There are more things in life.”
CEO Shaniqua Spicer started the nonprofit two years ago, but Beyond Measure’s services until now have been available solely on a family by family basis. Now, the nonprofit is reaching out, opening its arms to the community as a whole with the help of donations and a pending federal grant.
Rouse said, yes, the program is about throwing a lot information at these kids, but to do so in a fun way, with positive events like a Valentines Day ball for junior high and high schoolers, and a bike-a-thon, both schedule in the upcoming months.
“If you can show them that they are rewarded when they do good and not just chastised when they do bad, it makes a world of difference,” Rouse said.
Rouse said the public is invited to the information session from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Washignton Civic Center, 110 Gladden St.
For more information about Beyond Measure Community Outreach, email beyondmeasureco1@gmail.com or call 252-493-6241.
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