Published 1:01 pm Friday, May 2, 2014

To the Editor:


As a 78-year-old man, I look back at the years I spent from childhood, through baptism, and in the scout troop with Max Roebuck, singing in the choir with Hannah Bagwell, a marriage, and many musical experiences I had playing that wonderful organ (at First Christian Church) later when I grew up.
Now I realize how influential the church was for me, and the people who guided me there were indeed friends.  Knowing my Grandfather Tom Hardison was a part of the building of that building, and my other grandfather, Dave Arnold preached there in the early days, gave me a sense of belonging that many of us have a hard time finding in life.
When I saw the pictures of the fire coming out of those gorgeous stained glass windows, my heart sank. Memories of the old organ with its auxiliary portion up in that balcony came flooding in.  Vivian Weatherly used to play so beautifully with that vox humana coming in to highlight a melody, and I was enthralled and inspired. I still am by the memory.
It is a sad day for us all, especially when we saw the evolution of fine additions to the sanctuary. Of course, we know nothing is permanent, but somehow we think it will be that way forever anyway.
The fact that it has happened makes me feel more grateful though for having been there and reaped the joy of that fellowship in my early life. It just feels so necessary to express it and to say thank you for that gift.

Most sincerely,
Tom Hardison