A community coming together, June 8, 2014
Published 10:16 pm Saturday, June 7, 2014
To the Editor,
I am writing to share an event that will reassure your readers and you that living in eastern North Carolina is by far the best place to call home. In early March, a colleague and friend was brutally attacked at his home. After three surgeries, a week in the hospital and continued rehabilitation, this friend, Mr. Willie Moore, has returned to work with a smile on his face.
Immediately after hearing of his injuries, the Bath Elementary School community was swarming with ideas of how we could express to this fine Christian man that we care. Students made cards and posters. Parents took their children to visit. Food was prepared and shared. Area churches, community members, staff, students and their families lifted Mr. Moore in prayer for weeks.
However, the Bath Elementary staff wanted to turn this horrible act into a positive learning opportunity for the children in the community. That’s when the planning began.
Just a few days later, the Bath Ruritan Club agreed to join with our staff and students. Dates were set, cooks were recruited, and donations were accepted. The ball began to roll and the entire community became a part of this endeavor of a chicken dinner benefit. Grandparents called to volunteer. Churches sent checks. Teachers and families signed up to cover shifts.
Finally, on Sunday, June 1, our goals were accomplished. Together we demonstrated, children and adults alike, that we live in a fabulous place. We served one thousand chicken dinners, poured gallons of tea and sliced hundreds of desserts.
It was phenomenal to see our kids working alongside adults to serve plates with a smile on their faces. Our community was generous and alleviated a large portion of Mr. Moore’s expenses.
So often today, we hear about robberies, abuses and terrorism. It makes me proud to know that our school, community, and families experienced that making a difference in someone’s life, also makes a difference in your own life.
Susan W. Tankard
Bath Elementary School