Increased law enforcement provides safer tailgating experience
Published 7:46 pm Wednesday, September 3, 2014

CONTRADICTING PIRACY: A pirate wields two swords during the pregame festivities to open the 2014 college football season for the ECU Pirates.
A Pirate plundering an enemy ship, fighting on the open sea is an image familiar to the average East Carolina fan. Unfortunately, over the years, the image of an intoxicated, likely underage Pirate fan fighting another in the open parking lot at the bottom of College Hill is just as familiar.
However, this year, N.C. State Troopers, Greenville P.D. and the ECU police were swarming seemingly every tailgate within a five-block radius of Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on Saturday.
And the extra law enforcement was needed, as the tailgates were, on the surface, larger and more encompassing than in years passed.
More watchtowers and lighting were installed, more security was on hand to check every car that came into each parking lot and even mounted officers on horseback patrolled student tailgates, something that hasn’t been implemented in recent years. Although students voiced their displeasure with the excrement left behind by the horses, it kept most student tailgates in check and allowed officers to cover more ground for an extended period of time.
Armadas of seven to eight Dodge Chargers with state trooper logos drove up and down College Hill, as well as 14th Street, keeping the open containers in the parking lots and fans safe. Unlike previous years, the aimlessly wandering drunkards were kept to a minimum.
Patrolling in 95-degree heat for most of the day, law enforcement should be commended for their efforts in keeping the rum out of the underage and/or overly intoxicated Pirates’ hand and allowing responsible tailgaters to go about their business.
ECU defeated North Carolina Central, 52-7, locking up its first win of the season in impressive fashion. For the remainder of the season, let’s hope the Pirates on the field, as well as law enforcement in the parking lots, make ECU games as enjoyable as last week’s.