Black Friday frenzy
Published 2:02 pm Thursday, November 27, 2014

HOLIDAY RUSH: Soon, stores like this will be shoulder to shoulder with people vying for a chance to get gifts at discounted prices.
Here it comes. Can you feel it? The smell of savings in the air, the onslaught of holiday advertising — online, in print and on TV — not to mention the armadas of store clerks, coffee in hand, waiting to push thousands of potential gifts through the scanner.
It’s fair to say the Christmas season kicks off today. And whether or not you think it’s too early, the pressure is on.
There are those, the dedicated ones, who will set their alarms for 4 a.m. with the intention of being outside their favorite shopping center by 5 a.m. Then there are those who find alternative ways to reel in the Black Friday benefits.
Believe it or not, especially when it comes to electronics, your best bet is to stay at home. Most of the time, the same deals that can be found in-store can be ordered online. It saves the buyer the hassle of waking up early and wading through crowds.
If you plan on taking on the rush, make sure to plan ahead. Going into a store like Kohls, Office Depot or Best Buy without a set strategy will only result in disappointment, frustration and wasted time.
Above all else, safety should be the No. 1 priority. It may seem comical at first, but Black Friday is a pickpocket’s field day, due to the amount of distracted shoppers in one place. Make sure to take the appropriate precautions to avoid getting anything stolen, like holding your handbag in front of your, or keeping your wallet in your front pocket.
Accidental deaths, yes deaths, have also been known to happen on Black Friday. Six years ago, a Wal-Mart employee was trampled by the oncoming rush when the main doors were unlocked. A tragedy, to say the least, but not overly surprising.
Finally, remember that the holiday season is supposed to be a joyful time. Be nice to your fellow shoppers, as everyone is all in the same boat.