Doing their parts
Published 4:35 pm Thursday, September 3, 2015

VOTING MATTERS: Exercising the right to vote is something all qualified citizens should do, along with becoming familiar with issues and candidates.
It won’t be long before the candidates for municipal offices in Beaufort County begin gearing up their campaigns, if some of them have not already done so.
Several of the races will be a walk in the park for the candidates involved in them. Those races are uncontested. It looks like one of the five seats on the Pantego Board of Commissioners will be decided by write-in votes because there are only four candidates for the five-member board.
Perhaps one of the most heated campaigns will take place in Belhaven, where the Belhaven United coalition is taking on the present mayor and his allies on the Board of Aldermen. Belhaven United consists of Ricky Radcliffe, Ricky Credle, Shane Hubers and Vic Cox. Radcliffe is challenging incumbent Mayor Adam O’Neal. Credle is challenging incumbent Robert L. Stanley for the one west-end district seat on the board this election cycle. Hubers and Cox, an incumbent, are seeking the two available east-end district seats on the board this election cycle.
Each of the four is running his own campaign, but formed Belhaven United because they share common views on several issues the town faces, including health care in the town. The four want better town management and fair tax and utilities rates for town residents and property owners.
Belhaven voters will decide whether to stay the current course or change direction. The better informed voters are, the better they can help determine the town’s future.
As these candidates and candidates in the other municipal races in the county are showing interest in their respective communities by running for office, voters in those communities should show their interest by making themselves familiar with the issues that likely will affect them and supporting candidates who voters believe will best represent their interests. Whether by going door to door, mailing out position papers or taking part in candidate forums, candidates should do their best to make their views on the pertinent issues known to voters.
Candidates should inform and educate the voters. Voters should be willing and ready to be informed and educated on the issues. With candidates and voters doing their parts, the election process will be enhanced.