A thank you from Hiram Lodge
Published 6:16 pm Saturday, September 26, 2015
To the Editor:
As many in the community know, Hiram Lodge No. 11 (PHA) of Washington was severely damaged by a fire during the evening hours of Aug. 25, 2015. Thankfully, there were no injuries. The members of Hiram Lodge would like to express our deepest gratitude to all that assisted, from the Washington Fire Department for containing and extinguishing the fire, to the many offers of support and kindness in the days to follow. The compassion and generosity of the community was, and still is, greatly appreciated.
A special thanks to the Washington Department of Fire-Rescue-EMS. Chief Drakeford and your team. Thank you for working diligently to protect our lodge by containing the fire and minimizing damage.
Officer Cory Rogerson, Thank you for being vigilant in your patrol of our community and for noticing and reporting the smoke coming from the lodge. God put you in the right place at the right time. Without your observation and actions, we may have suffered a total loss of all property.
Our Masonic Brothers of Orr Lodge No. 104, thank you for coming out to show support the night of the fire, offering to help remove artifacts and offering a place for us to meet during our lodge’s repair. Your gestures are a true sign and model of brotherhood.
Finally thanks to everyone that has expressed their concern and care. There are too many to name but please accept our deepest appreciation.
Officers and Members of Hiram Lodge No. 11 (PHA)