Emergency crews deserve thanks

Published 2:51 pm Friday, September 23, 2016

Washington has seen its fair share of rain this week, causing ample flooding in low-lying areas.

As a regular resident, it’s frustrating to drive down a street and find it covered in water, and in some cases, blocked off to traffic. Not only that, it’s frustrating as a property owner to have to deal with damages. In a waterfront area, it’s almost unavoidable to have flooding issues.

However, it’s not all negative. The City of Washington — and Beaufort County as a whole — is blessed to have dedicated emergency crews, working around the clock to ensure residents’ safety in flooding situations.

As Washingtonians lie in bed listening to a heavy downpour and claps of thunder, emergency crews are up and ready to go.

During this batch of heavy rains, personnel were ahead of the game with “High Water” sign postings, water-level assessments and closing flooded roads. Residents can even expect assistance when it comes to evacuations, whether mandatory or voluntary.

Crews were also quick to respond to dangerous situations and vehicle issues, never hesitating to plow through slick spots or precarious road conditions.

Of course, every city has an emergency crew dedicated to its safety. But Washington officials should be commended for how quickly they acted and how professionally the situation was handled. These personnel— fire, EMS, police and city workers —know what it takes to keep residents safe.

Even in the aftermath of heavy rains, such as the recent wastewater spill, officials are still ready to go and correct the problem before it harms someone.

If you see one of these officials around town, take a minute to stop and thank that person for the hard work. Their work is selfless and often goes unnoticed or taken for granted.

Thank you, emergency personnel, for continuing to set the bar high when it comes to public safety.