Do not suffer in silence

Published 8:23 pm Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Depression and suicide are never easy topics to discuss. That’s true for the person affected, as well as the loved ones trying to help.

Sometimes there are cues that can be picked up on. Behavioral and mood changes are but two signs that a person may be going through a troubling time. Others, however, will appear no different on the outside as they quietly suffer.

Do not suffer in silence. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that only half of Americans experiencing an episode of major depression receive treatment. Suicide is often viewed as a way out; a way to alleviate pain when there is seemingly no end in sight.

Know that it never has to come to that point. So many instances of suicide — especially in today’s age with social media — see people express their love for someone close they just lost. These are the same people that are willing to listen and help if reached out to.

There’s also professional help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) is open to callers 24 hours every day. Its website,, also has a web-chat option.

Approximately 10 people die from suicide every day, and it’s the 10th-leading cause of death in the United States, according to North Carolina’s rate of 13.04 victims per 100,000 people is slightly higher than the country’s clip of 12.97 per 100,000, according to Center for Disease Control data aggregated by

Beaufort County’s average is higher than that at 14.56; Beaufort County ranks 41st in the state out of 100 counties. A study from East Carolina University’s Center for Survey Research noted a decrease in the county’s suicide rate from 2007 to 2012, but indicated the rate may be on the rise again.

Those struggling with depression should never hesitate to reach out to someone. People seeing a loved one suffer shouldn’t stand by idly. One conversation can save a life.