Don’t be caught unprepared

Published 6:52 pm Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A headline from the Associated Press on Wednesday said it all — “After several years of quiet, tornados erupt in the United States. “On Tuesday the AP reported that the U.S. had set a new record for quantity of tornados over a given period of time — for 12 consecutive days, at least eight tornados per day were reported throughout the country, based on preliminary data from the National Weather Service.

While hot, dry weather has been the prevailing trends here in Beaufort County during the past two weeks, and the bulk of these tornados have touched down hundreds of miles to the west, the danger of severe weather is always an afternoon storm away in the summertime.

Anyone who has been on the river long enough will tell you that they can come out of nowhere. Add to this the increased activity on the water, and the chances of getting caught out in nasty weather jump during the summer months.

The best way to avoid being at a storm’s mercy is to stay aware of the weather in the first place. The National Weather Service offers a variety of resources to help everyone, from large businesses and organizations to individuals and families, ensure they are prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws our way.

The NWS recommends the following:

  • Be aware of what hazardous weather is coming in advance
  • Have a plan for it that gets activated before the threat arrives
  • Train on your plan before the threat arrive

Being weather prepared saves lives, and ensures you are much more resilient after the threat passes,” The NWS Weather Prepared website reads. “While a large organization takes more time, resources, and planning to be weather prepared than an individual who only has to worry about themselves, the steps are straightforward for all.”

Everyone can and should take the following steps:

  • Educate yourself on weather threats that can affect you. Not only the routine threats, but events like hurricanes making landfall and violent tornadoes. The extreme threats you haven’t experienced, but have happened in the past, and will happen again.
  • Receive weather warnings in advance, through a few different means.
  • Have plans for what you will do. Plans need triggers to ensure they are activated.
  • Disseminate important weather response information through a few different means.
  • Train and review your plans periodically.

For resources to help your family or your business become more weather-ready, visit