Keep pets safe from Easter hazards

Published 12:22 am Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter goodies are often anything but good for your pets. From choking hazards to poisonous blooms, furry family members will have a lot to of temptations. Consider safeguarding your pets in an Easter-free zone until festivities end. If you plan to let your cats or dogs romp around with the rest of the clan, here’s a list of hazards to avoid from
Most pet owners know the dangers of chocolate to their pets, the some of the other Easter candies can be just as dangerous. Keep an eye out for candies wrapped in foil. If ingested, sharp pieces of foil could damage the esophagus and intestines.
Easter lilies are one of the most poisonous plants for pets, especially cats. One bite from the bloom can kill your pet in less than two days. If you suspect your cat has ingested a lily, look for signs like lethargy, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Your cats will be drawn to the shiny plastic wisps of Easter grass. Beware! The grass is hard to ingest and may end up clogging intestines. Consider shredding colorful paper. It’s a safer, more economical choice.
Keep track of the eggs you hide. Fresh, hardboiled eggs pose no threat, but can be harmful once they spoil. The plastic eggs are choking hazards.